Building an entirely new word with new people, new places, new EVERYTHING, takes time. It also takes an ability to translate what you see in your head into words on paper (or computer screen, as the case may be).
Thank the Lord for Pinterest.
I’ve never done the physical inspiration board thing, but Pinterest has been a lifesaver when it comes to building the world of Amrantir.
It’s like a contact lens for my mind’s eye.
If you could take a peek in my Scrivener file for Inharmonic, you’d also find pictures attached to the character profiles of most of the main and supporting characters. It could be a photograph, painting, or even a cartoon, but it’s something that gets what’s in my head in front of my eyes. And there, at least for me, it’s easier to work with.
Click here to check out the rest of my Pinterest boards. In addition to inspiration boards for the other regions of Amrantir, you might also discover some literature-inspired foods, my addiction to coffee, and my deep and abiding love for Jane Austen.